Last year I have started working on a cross stitch project when my boyfriend gave me a complete kit for a gift. I was very excited because I used to love to stitch. When I was in high school, my then-boyfriend gave me another kit too. Lol! That one I never got to finish because the patterns were lost after having stopped for several months due to a busy schedule.
This time I got to finish my project. The pattern was of a couple at I'm assuming is a porch. I kinda like how quaint it looks. It could also be framed as a clock and I was kind of excited to use it that way that's why I stitched in the numbers and dots for the clock. :)
With "suya" girl starting on our new projects |
Because I've finished this, and because I've complained that it's so tiny (size of a normal wall clock), my guy sent me another kit lol (I'm starting to think I don't deserve him), and it is so much bigger than this. It is a pattern for a cottage with a garden and gazebo. I don't have a picture yet because it hasn't formed anything yet. Will update though when I'm done with it, like in a few months. Hehe.
I find that when I stitch, my very noisy and sometimes pissed mind becomes quiet. Hehe. I get to relax because it's such a mundane task but you have to concentrate with the count and everything. It's not something you stress over but at the same time you won't be nodding off while doing it. :D
And when we use other colors or see the form coming together, it makes us excited. Hehe. Yeah, we announce such things with each other (my sis and I) haha. Babas with no life.
Suya: Bisaya for jealous or envious. Haha