This is Dawn's personal blog. The blog name Orchids in Formaldehyde hints of sweetness and darkness in her views. A paradox of perspective that is sometimes confusingly unpredictable.

Random Pix from Audrey's Debut

Audrey at 18

I really like the cake stand.
I like the swirling detail of this cake.
Debutante's mask
The cotillion were wearing masks, and the theme of the party is a masquerade, I think.

Debutante and Escort entertaining guests.

Gifts galore! Makes me wish I could throw my own birthday party. :D
Hey, guess which one is mine!

Look! Christmas has come early this year! :P

Guest Book and one of the roses.

Mother Candle. Everything is too pink, don't you think?

Ensemble no. 1

Ensemble no. 2

Ensemble no. 3

Roses and Invitations
Even the bedsheet is pink. :D

The bestfriend.

Guy friends and cousin.

Whose shoes are those? Hehe. The mom's. :D
My mom's also the same. Makes me wonder if I'll ever get tired of wearing my heels when I get older.

Kids playing with balloons.

The texture of my dress and my leg.
Hey! That's the only pictures you'll see of me here.

Pink puto!

What's left after dinner.

 "Balot" time!



The brother, Zandro.


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Formal Wear

I still can't fathom how a guy in 3 layers of clothing and a lady in skimpy clothing stay in the same room and be comfortable.

Shouldn't someone be overheating or freezing by the end of the event?

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Loony Balloony

Loony Balloony, I hate you so much. Haha. No, not really.
This is the balloon we got from Jav's kid's birthday bash. My niece drew a face on it, and after my father saw it, he added to it too! Talk about crazy! He added the mustache and a bigger nose. I think it kinda looks like him. Hehe.
My niece called this balloony, and I added the loony part, and sang it to the tune of "anna banana" of that popular commercial. :)

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Flower Forever

It's pretty rare I decide to make a flower arrangement. I did this one last week while I was out and about at our front lawn.
That's not the story. Just this morning I noticed that the cut plants weren't wilting still and my mom heard my comment about it. She said the plants have already taken root! :D What will I do about them? I can't have them growing in that big chunky glass, can I? :D

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Butterflies Leaving the Cocoon

We found 3 mariposa butterflies by a cocoon on our guava tree this morning. Isn't that cool? They've finally left their cocoon. It's been a long time. We have been noticing fat, green, squishy caterpillars for about a couple of years now, and though we've seen them become cocoons, this is the first time we've seen them "hatch".

And now I'm wondering, why is it that there are 3 butterflies to this cocoon? Is that possible?

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When there's a brownout every few hours of the day, this is what we do to kill the boredom. :D

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Despicable Minions

This is so cute!!! And funny! What kind of lyrics is banana and potato? lol! I've read in one of the comments in youtube that the minions look like a combination of banana and potato. lol!

You should really watch it!

My brother made me sing this as his back-up. lol!

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Earn thru Sharing in Social Networks

I've been a member of Mylikes for like a year now, but I've never really earned from it. It is US-based, you see, so most links they have are for US clicks only. It is pretty depressing actually.

But just now, I've heard of a Philippine-based site that offers the same. Churpchurp! #phchurpchurp

How do you earn from them, you say? Well, they give you links and you share them through your social network sites like Facebook and Twitter. When people view them, you earn.

Finding one in my own country assures me that I'll get the links that are creditable by my clicks (which is Philippine-based) and I'll get paid with my own currency.

The problem with foreign earning sites is that there could be trouble with the payment process. Of course, there's paypal. But other sites don't offer them, thus making you wonder how to cash-out your earnings.

Churpchurp pays thru cheques. Though this used to worry me with foreign sites, I know this isn't a problem here in my own country.

Join me now! Churpchurp

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On Faith & Sin: Where do you draw the line?

Due to recent events, i.e. my Board Exam, I have been a bit more spiritual than usual (I can't say religious, I haven't gone to Church). This post I found while dillydallying in the internet just reminded me of that. I haven't been to Church for a while and I feel like my faith isn't as strong as it used to be. This I've read on the first paragraph and it got me hooked. So, there are people like me... Good to know.

Which brings up the topic that we are sinners. No one is expecting us to be perfect, even how religious we are. Or maybe that was just my excuse when I thought back on all the years I've sinned and felt like I'm losing my way because of not visiting Church.

The post also mentioned a hateful man the author encountered. He was supposed to be quite religious, posting quotes and verses all the time. The hate was a shock, but do we have the right to judge him? His words were spiteful. But remember that he is a sinner, just as we are.

;) That means I do can judge him. LOL! *If you're getting confused, read my title again* His words were indeed mean, even downright murderous. So it's okay to be offended, even if those words weren't targeted at you. If it were, then better call yourself a lawyer (and/or a bodyguard).

So where do you draw the line? What is the measurement of how faithful you are? Because I know even the devout have sins too. Could you say that sin is okay as long as you're trying your best to control? Is control the deciding factor then? Does sin even has anything to do with faith?

P.S. Hate is contagious. Be wary.
Though it can also be cured.

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Best Last Song Syndrome

It's perfect for my situation, right? Of all the songs that popped into my head and refuse to leave, this has to be the one. Maybe that has something to do with the numerous online/offline quizzes I'm taking... "Get it right!"

More lines that made this oh-so-perfect. I'll be making this the theme song for this particular phase of my life. :D

  • Now I feel the weight of the world is on my shoulders
  • What can you do when your good isn't good enough?
  • How many times will it take, to get it right.
  • I can't go back and undo this
  • I'll get through this!
  • I'll send up a wish, I'll send up a prayer. ;)

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