What better time to announce my engagement here in my blog than on Valentine's Day? :D No, I didn't get engaged this very day. That would be cliche.

The day my guy popped the question was last December 29, 2014 while we were vacationing in Zamboanga.

I wasn't expecting it. We were just fooling around when he showed me the ring.

I think the convo went like this:
Him: I wish we could be like this forever.
Me: Hmmm, that would be too expensive. (thinking he was referring to the vacation) hehehe.

There was no going down on one knee cliche-ness, thank God, that would have been awkward. But he did ask the four-word question. ;D

The ring is a little loose. There are times when I've worn it on my middle finger instead because I'm afraid I might lose it because it doesn't fit snugly.

I like how it looks. We've both agreed that it looks like a flower, and I think it's kinda sweet because he knows I like flowers. This design isn't too gaudy, which means I could wear it without being afraid it might catch the eyes of mal-intent people lurking in the streets.

I'm kinda curious where he bought this ring, I couldn't get myself to ask. He had mentioned he had visited various jewelry stores and I just can't help but be proud. lol! I know! But even I myself would be very intimidated to go to such shops, and this guy summed up the courage and confidence to go to several of them!

He's a guy! I'm sure he felt very lost in there.

Anyway, we're away from each other since that vacation and planning has been difficult. :/

And Valentine's is a little boring.

Happy Heart's Day to everyone out there!
May your hearts be full of love and faith and hope.