Today is Dookie's 8th birthday. Such an old fart. :P But he is still so cute and adorable. And because he is mature, he seems to understand us... until guests arrive, then there'll be chaos. Lol.

I couldn't blame him though. He's a terrier and it's his innate characteristic to be feisty. His lineage is also brought up as gamers/hunters for small animals that's why he's so wild sometimes. He has caught and a few times killed various critters slinking around the property, like snakes, geckos, rats, toads, a chicken... :( The chicken was just last month while I was home and it freaked the hell out of me. On a good note, he didn't feast on the chicken (or any of the other creatures). He just catches them and kills them if they give a fight and after watching over the "treasure" (that's how it looks like) he leaves them there. It became my responsibility to bury the chicken. The snake was burned, and I don't know what became of the others.

I have brought Dookie outside the fenced property, he is amiable. Friendly actually. When I brought him to the vet, he wants to play with the other dogs there. Same with the other dogs in the neighborhood whenever he escaped the gate. I still do have to catch him though which was a nightmare because he would run away when he sees you. Old fart. But I can't just leave him be to come back when he pleases because I'm scared he would be run over by a vehicle and there were trucks passing by that road. And also probably because all our nearby neighbors are locking themselves inside their houses when they hear our beloved Dookie is roaming the streets. Hahaha. It's like he's the spawn of the devil in curly fur. :D

But he's not wild when it's really just us. It's just strangers in his territory that gets him all hyped up. I guess that's understandable because he's still a dog.