These 5 goals are actually aimed for my beauty blog Keep Calm and Beautify and not so much with Orchids because Orchids is more of a journal to me, where I express anything I want when I want, how I want it. It's "me" without trying too hard. KCB has a targeted audience in mind, that's why I would like to present the best blog that I can deliver.
Here are the 5 goals:
- Take better pictures.
I am actually pretty satisfied with how my HTC One V takes photos. The problem is, I need a better location. It's really too dark inside this room that my brother even turns the lights on during the day. :/ With the previous photos I took, I had to open all the curtains, turn on the lights, and climb up to my brother's bunk where it's the sunniest. That is, if it is sunny. On cloudy or rainy days, there is just no hope.
I am thinking of maybe building my own light box (hmmm) but that would mean clutter and expenses. Plus where to stash the light box afterwards is a problem. Buying one is also out of the question.
- Improve Photoshop skills.
Also on the same grain of presenting better pictures. Not that I would heavily Photoshop my review pictures, but just adding some pizzazz and sometimes clarity to muddy pictures would be nice.
- Schedule blog posts.
They say serious bloggers have schedules of when posts are published, so their readers can anticipate when to visit their sites. I guess it's easier getting "returning customers" when they know what time you'll be open.
This one will be difficult for me, because I experience down times and manic phases. lol. I write when I feel like writing, like now: it's 6:00 in the morning and I'm still awake. Having to schedule posts means having to write them way early (like a week before) and controlling the urge to publish right away. Hehe.
- Diversify topics.
I always write reviews on products, tried once each for hauls, fashion, shops, and favorites. I might need to make more of those posts to have a more rounded yet cohesive range of topics. But that would mean more expenses because the above stated topics need multiple items rather than just the one item on focus common to reviews.
I'll have to come up with other topics then. Hehehe.
- Get a domain.
O_o This one is the heavyweight. I have always wanted to have a domain, but I'm intimidated by it. I used to have a "green living" blog/website a few years ago and it has it's own domain, all set up by my brother, but I couldn't figure anything out. Thus I was pretty much reliant on him to make the changes I want instead of just doing it myself.
What I've read somewhere though, that if you buy a domain and still host it in Blogger (or buy the domain through Blogger) it will be as easy as just blogging through Blogger. :/ Still have to figure that out. And I'm wondering about the cost.
So that's the 5 somewhat ambitious goals I have for my blog this year. Hopefully, I get to accomplish most of them by midyear when my blog would turn 1. "Blogiversary" is another thing I've been seeing here and there. Not that I just want to jump with the trend, but I somehow want to feel that I've improved over the year. :D
Thanks for reading!