No, I'm not doing it. I'm joining them. It seems as if it's the trend now; established bloggers are giving away free products to their beloved audience, as a way to say thank you and also to garner more viewers from social sites where we (the freelooters) are happily posting links to.

I have been thinking of doing a giveaway as well. I think that would add to my audience. But then, it's the audience themselves that's preventing me from doing it. I only have 5 followers, and some of them seem like guys, my giveaway would stink! And guy stuff are so expensive, I am so not going there!

So, I'm stuck with this loopy loop where I'm blogging and no one's reading, and I can't even console myself with a giveaway that would badge my blog as established. Apparently, it is not. Haha.

Don't worry, I haven't given up yet. I've been bugging my brother about a new blog (website developer brother can't help me?) so it's all in good time. I'm gonna have to make more serious posts though.

Anyway, enough of that chatter. Here's the list of the giveaways/promos that I have joined.
Carizza Chua ~ My Name Tag (I think I joined multiple giveaways from her site)
Behind The Frames
MISSKATV (I think I joined multiple of hers as well)
Sashimi Dolly

This is one I'm waiting to begin. Stalker already.
My Lucid Intervals

The products are so cute! I wish I could win even one. :) That would totally be worth my time. But then again, it might get me hooked and stalk the web for more giveaways, oh no! Note to self: More blogging, less being crazy.

And look at their posters. I've posted some on my sidebar. They're totally awesome, right? Ooooh, I so really want to win. Cross your fingers for me, why don't you? I'll let you have the other giveaways. ;)